Thursday, September 26, 2013

College Week 3

Hey guys!! I know I'm a little late with this post, but I was swamped with work on Tuesday and Wednesday. This college stuff, man, it really IS that hard sometimes, haha.
So, right now, I'm doing this college course called "Comparative Worldviews", where it shows you different worldviews from a Christian perspective. It's really interesting, but also extremely heartbreaking.
See, right now I'm going through the Naturalist section of this course. When I realized that people really believe that there is no purpose to life, that everything is just an accident, it breaks my heart. People really believe that they're just natural accidents, which basically leads to them thinking one of two things: "I'm just a piece of trash, so what's the point of me living?" or, "I'm gonna do whatever I want, whenever I want, because there's no point, no ultimate purpose to life, and you only live once so might as well live it up."
There are the in-between thinkers, but those two are basically the main ones.
Oh yeah, and during all of this, wanna know another one of my college assignments I'm supposed to do? Memorize Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech, "I Have a Dream". Yeah, those two don't exactly mix well together. You go from literally being all energized and ready to make a difference to depressed because you're learning about people who think there's no meaning to life.
Well, enough of my ranting/complaining/pity party. I'm glad to know today that God does have a plan for everything and everyone, He wants us to lay our burdens down at His feet and allow Him to come in and take us to higher places, and lead other people to Him. He loves me, He loves you, and there ain't nothing you can ever do that will change that simple fact. :)
Have a great rest of the week, guys. God bless ya, in Jesus' Name!!!

Sayonara, until next week!

--Sonya :) <3

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