Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day of School....... (O.O)

Well guys, it's my first day of school. As in, online COLLEGE classes.
For all of you public schoolers who're like, "Dude, she's sixteen!! HOW IS SHE TAKING COLLEGE CLASSES?!?!" The first two years of college are basically review of high school, so chill out. If I need to take a class for something I didn't cover in my VERY SHORT homeschooled high school career, I'll let you know. (-_-)
So anyways, COLLEGE CLASSES. Yes, they're online. Yes, I was assigned to this lady who's gonna be my 'coach' who helps me keep everything together and scheduled and all that, and I'm gonna be talking to her today at 4:30.
That's not stopping me from FUH-REAKING AYY-OUT!!!! Read that out loud if you didn't get it. If you're don't understand Southern accents....then never mind, haha.
Side not, got nothin' against Southern people, love 'em to death actually, but ya gotta admit, they like to add unneeded syllables to their words. But then again, everybody does that sometimes. :D
So yeah. I'm a bit nervous. Sooo if you don't hear from me after this post....I want to be buried in a casket that's spring-loaded with confetti so that one day, I can make an archaeologist's day REALLY interesting. ;D
Or I wanna be cremated so that my ashes can be 'spread over the water'.
^Only some people will get the ashes reference. ;)
Okay, so I probably won't die. It'll probably be a lot easier than I think and I will probably have a lot of fun this year. I'm determined that this year is gonna be much better than my previous school years, and I'm gonna excel so that I can pursue what I feel like God's calling me to be.
Thanks for bearing with me, guys, while I'm freaking out and hyperventilating and etc. And have the best school year you've ever had. That goes for both of you homeschooled and public schooled kids. :) Be the light God's called you to be, to your friends, family, classmates, everybody you come into contact with. You never know when a simple act of kindness will save someone's life.

God bless you guys, and have a great school year!

--Sonya :)

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