Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Writing Shtuff......:)

Well, I can't wait until school's done. Gahhhh, parents won't be nagging at me to get up and whether or not I've finished my schoolwork, I really cannot wait for that.
Anyways, been working on various projects, school assignments like writing books for history. Extremely fun, actually, except when it comes to writing a fictional short story about someone during one of the plague-outbreaks of the Middle Ages. YEECHH it's disgusting, what some of those diseases did to a body. Word of advice, unless you have an insanely strong stomach, DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT look up '*insert plague name here* victims' on Google Images.
So anyways, yeah, it's gross. But hey, I get to kill people, right? So there are pluses and minuses....
People, before you reach for that phone and report me to whoever puts people into insane asylums or whatever, do not check me into a clinic, I'm fine. I'm only writing about it, not actually going out and killing people. Good grief, calm down....
Anyways, been writing my other projects (the ones I actually dream up, haha, not the school ones) and jammin' out to TFK. If you need some intense tunes to write to, or just need some new tunes in general, and you happen to like Christian Contemporary/Rock, check 'em out. Pretty sure I've already mentioned them, but who cares? :)
Oh, them and Owl City. His stuff is pop/electronica/synthpop/indietronica music. Epic? You bet it is. Perfect for getting your imagination juices flowing through your brain, haha!!!
Ugh. It's the middle of the week. Wednesday. Don't worry, guys, WEEKEND IS COMING, AND SO IS SUMMER!!!!
Well, until the next time!



Thursday, May 16, 2013

It. Is. MAY!!!!

With May, there's supposed to be flowers, sunshine, great weather, and basically just SPRING. The funny thing is, it has been winter, summer, fall-ish weather and spring all within like, the past week! We have had frost,  heat waves, and rainy chilly weather in the past week! And to all my friends from MN, snow about two feet one day, and then suddenly you've got 103 degrees the next!!
But hey, that's weather for ya. And it's been pretty nice out recently, nice enough for me and my sister to start doing daily 15-20 minute jogs/walks.
Another thing about May: school is almost over!!!!!!! For some, it ends the last week of May, others, the first/second week of June.
Which means studying for finals, looking for summer jobs, scrambling to make sure you got your schoolwork for the year done (can I get a "hoo-rah!" from all my fellow homeschoolers?) and of course, getting ready for having a great time this summer.
My summer plans include Bible Quizzing State Finals/Nationals (if we make it haha), Church Camp (SO EXCITED AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!), catching up on sleep, and one of the biggest UPCI youth events ever: YOUTH CONGRESS!!!!!
What're your summer plans? Hit the pool with some friends? Go on vacation? Go to camp? Sleep?
Whatever they are, I hope you have a great summer. And to all of you who're still slogging through school, thinking summer will never come.....STAY STRONG!!! SUMMER REALLY IS COMING!!!!! :)


Update on Life in 2019

It's been a while and there's a reason for that (and that's also why I renamed this blog what I renamed it, HAH!). Drum roll, ...