Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hey guys. So, I dunno about you, but I think that it is gorgeous outside! Like, for real. It is COLD.
I think it's safe to say that Fall is basically here. :)
So that brings me to the question... What does fall mean to you?
For me, Fall means hoodies, beautiful colors, hot chocolate, cuddling up in warm blankets outside, no more bugs, lying out on the roof and staring up at the night sky, tights, boots, bonfires, colds, girls actually wearing clothes... ya know, that kind of stuff. ;D
Honestly, Fall is my favorite season, besides Winter. Yup, I'm weird, haha, but it's true. I love cold, it means I get to wear my favorite hoodie, tights, boots, skirt and get to curl up with a cup of hot chocolate and read a book or just enjoy the nice cold Autumn day. :)
So what does Fall mean to you? You get to start school? Football games? The other random reasons I just listed? Have an excuse to cuddle? Too much homework and all-nighters and coffee? Pumpkin spice lattes?
Whatever your reason or reasons are, take them and enjoy every moment.
This is actually what I thought about after a super hot summer when I realized that it was finally feeling like Fall:
Hebrews 11:1, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
We've all got faith. We know Fall's gonna come, whether we want it to or not. We got faith it's gonna come, and if it doesn't come when we expect it to, we freak, either in a good way or a bad. We prepare for it, because we got faith that it's gonna happen.
Well, I got faith that God's gonna do some epic things this year. So, I'm gonna do something about it. I'm gonna prepare for it. 'Cause faith without works is dead, so if I've got real faith, then I've gotta do something about it. If you got faith, then you gotta do something about it.
So those of you wishing it was already June/end of May/whenever school lets out for you, instead of having faith that you're gonna have a horrible school year, or just year in general, have faith that you're gonna have a great one. You're the only one who can make that choice, that no matter what hits you, you won't let it get you down. You have to make an effort to have a good day/season/year. You can't rely on everybody around you to try to make your day a good one. Do it yourself. :)
Anyways, random update on college, it's going pretty good! Came back from a youth missions trip with a cold and close to no sleep, but it was totally worth it and taking off a day from my college work. :D

So, God bless you guys. And have a great Fall!!!

--Sonya :3

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