Thursday, March 12, 2015

When Spring, College and Bible Quizzing Collide...

Well, it's beginning to feel a lot like Springtime.
I sincerely hope you sang that in your head. x)

Anyways, I'll be honest, I LOVE hoodie weather, boots and bonfires and hot chocolate and snuggling up on the couch in front of the fire with a warm, fuzzy blanket and a good book... That love is matched with my love for being tan, barefoot, summer camp, 'break' (haha, very funny, I still have to do college through the summer) etc.

The birds are singing (they wake me up in the morning, not sure if that's good or bad), the sun is warm, I'm actually starting to get tan and it's only my second day out in the sun, and this Minnesnowa girl will be honest...

It's pretty stinkin' gorgeous outside.

Plus, the scenes in my book are all currently out of doors and have lots of green, leafy forests, rolling hills of grass, and stuff like that, and it's a lot easier to describe that when you have it right in front of you.

Also... my birthday's in the spring. So I guess that's pretty bomb. That's right. I'm leaving you minors behind, I'm becoming an adult. O.O Big 1-8, guys. Funny, it's not as scary as it used to be. Three months ago, I was literally freaking out about it, haha.

Anyways. I think I told you guys that I was taking an astronomy course, right? If I didn't, well, HEY, I'm taking an astronomy course haha. I came across something interesting. It's called 'Hubble's Law'. It's got to do with 'universal recession', the farther away a galaxy is from another galaxy, the faster it keeps moving away from that galaxy.

Still with me? Good.

So I started thinking... how come we don't do the same thing?

I'm talking metaphorically, not necessarily physically. I'm moving away from the galaxy analogy to your life now.

Why don't we start moving away from the things that hurt us, that break us down and kill us? Is it because it's easier to just stay where we are, allowing toxic relationships to continue in our lives, to not get rid of that terribly destructive mindset that says, "I'm worthless," "I'll never amount to anything," "Nobody cares," "It'd be better if I just wasn't here anymore,"? Is it easier to just let ourselves get lost in the arms of someone who we know will hurt us eventually if not already, to try to drown our sorrows in a bottle or in a pill?

Bro, sorrows can swim. I know you're hurting, but using a permanent solution for a temporary problem will only cause more pain and suffering, if not to you, then to the people who do care about you that you didn't even think about.

Some people have some serious pride issues. But insecurity is actually just the other side of the coin. Both issues have to do with the idea that "It's all about me."

This next part might hurt, but it's gotta be said: It's not all about you. Honestly, if you stopped focusing on yourself and your own problems and started looking at the world from a more objective perspective, you're mind would be blown. Everybody has problems. Everybody's got strengths and weaknesses. Everybody has good days and bad days, up days and rock-bottom days. Nobody's exempt from that.

You have a purpose in this world. You can change it. Your small existence interacts with worlds around you that you don't even realize. Are you an older sibling? You got somebody who looks up to you. You a younger sibling? You got someone who will hate you, but will do whatever it takes to protect you. You all alone in the world? There are people who see you, whether it's at your job, at school, or simply walking around at the grocery store.

You'll never know how much of an impact you have on other people's lives until you reach the pearly gates of glory. Maybe somebody you were kind to turned around and changed their lives and went around changing others' lives. Maybe a person you smiled at while walking down the street was contemplating suicide, and because of you they didn't.

Since I'm a Christian, I'm kind of obligated to insert this, but it's so true: If you turn your attention away from yourself and turn it to God, He will take care of all of your problems. That lost family member or friend you've been praying for will come to Christ. That neighbor or boss you've been having a hard time with will be at peace with you if you just keep following after God.

Here's some Word of God so you know I'm not just making this up:

2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
Proverbs 16:7, "When a man's ways please the Lord, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him."

So, you got God backing you up too, and when God says it, it's gonna happen. If it's God's will, and you're in it, it will happen.

The Bible also talks about how you must flee from youthful lusts (2 Timothy 2:22). I heard a preacher say it this way once: "You don't try to stand and fight lust, you run from it." Lust just means unbridled desires. Desire is okay, but not if you let it run rampant. Just like a galaxy that is getting farther away from another galaxy and increasing its speed as it goes, you need to get away from things that tempt you and keep running from it

One more thing before I shut up. 

Maybe you're going through what you're going through because you don't trust God enough. He'll give us a trial so that we can learn how to trust Him, so that we can learn patience, learn how to persevere and overcome any situation that God gives us. Sometimes, it might even be to show the people around us that we're the real deal, that God is all-powerful and that He gives His people what they need through the tough times and brings them through everything life throws at them.

Maybe this was just for me to get it off my chest, outta my head and into words, but I hope this encouraged somebody to keep going and to not stop. Keep pushing through. Keep trying to make sure you're right with God. Keep praying. Focus on God more than yourself. 

And read and memorize the Bible while you're at it, let the Word of God get inside you, 'cause that will help you learn how to keep your desires under control so that you won't be tempted by lust.

God bless you guys. Love ya. <3 :)

--Sonya :)

Update on Life in 2019

It's been a while and there's a reason for that (and that's also why I renamed this blog what I renamed it, HAH!). Drum roll, ...