Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Present Procrastination Level: Expert

Hey guys. It is too late right now and I am writing a blog post. Go me for being more nuts than I thought, haha!
Anyways, hey look, it's Christmas Day!!! YIPPEE!!!!!
I got all my brothers gifts done. Got my littlest sister's gift done. All yesterday or the day before. And, erm, I may or may not have gotten busy, forgotten to do my other sister's present, and TOTALLY blanked until like... 11ish last night. Then I may or may not have gotten a burst of crazy inspiration and written a short story from then until now.
But seriously. Oh snap. And now I have to do my parents. Um... my dad said 'don't stay up too late'... I wonder if it's past his definition of 'too late'...?
Jesus, I thank You for Your wonderful, awesome inspiration, Pandora, and cute Christmas music that actually appeals to my scarred Christmas music love-hate relationship. And for... coffee. Oh Lord Jesus, thank You for that sweet nectar of life.
And most of all, God, I wanna thank You for coming to earth, wrapping Yourself in human flesh, and being born of a virgin, living and then dying for someone like me. <3 Happy birthday. :)
I know we generally celebrate the Birth of Christ around now, Christmas time, and Easter at Easter time, but... we should celebrate it all year round, because of what He came to do. The story doesn't end at the manger. The story doesn't end at the cross. It's still going, guys. :)
I want to celebrate the birth and death of my Savior all day, every day, because He deserves it! And, for the Guy that has literally, EVERYTHING, it's the least I can do as a sort of birthday present. :)
Love you guys. Merry Christmas.

And do a favor for me... keep Christ at the center of Christmas. It's easy to get caught up in everything else going on, but hey, Jesus is the real reason for the season.

Merry Christmas!
--Sonya :) <3

Monday, December 9, 2013

Baby, It's Cold Outside.....

Just kidding! Oh wait... not everybody's from MN... never mind. It's cold outside.
More like windy, but meh, when it's like, -7 and there is no wind at all, you can walk around in a t-shirt. No joke. :D
Okay, now that you all officially think I'm crazy, lez get down to business.
My mom turned on Christmas Jazz music or something... the men singers,maaaannnn they can sing. Mhmm. But these women singers... o.O Somebody just kill me now, please. Their voices ain't my favorite.
Ah, well. It's Christmas time, there is SNOW outside and I mean SNOW. Like, not a ton, but enough where you should probably not wear flats outside, boots are kinda required haha. :)
And I'm cramming to be able to do this Sociology course, trying to get it done before Christmas. In Jesus Name.
God bless you guys! Merry Christmas! Stay warm, and don't worry... you got this. :) Finals, exams, having to sit around the Christmas Dinner table staring at relatives and biting your tongue when that one annoying and opinionated relative opens his or her mouth... yes, we all have them. Haha, don't worry.
And don't forget the real reason for the season. Jesus came and was born for YOU. He loves you way more than anyone ever could. <3
Love ya!

--Sonya :) <3

Update on Life in 2019

It's been a while and there's a reason for that (and that's also why I renamed this blog what I renamed it, HAH!). Drum roll, ...