Friday, March 8, 2013


So I've been having to babysit a ton, 'cause a ton of people in my church were going to this ministers' conference and there was no childcare. I was kinda nervous, being only 15 and watching kids who're under the age of 5, but it was WAY easier than I thought. These kids are so easily entertained.
It's been a crazy few days. Barbie movies, coloring, making sure the kids don't get into something they're not supposed to get into...ah, the life of a homeschooled teenaged author/babysitter. Great material for books can be found in the simplest of daily tasks. Like changing a diaper, for example.
So, being homeschooled has its perks. Like, being able to get done with school early, being able to have random days off of school, (my mom will make us do school into the summer if we don't get done with all of our books and stuff before summer, though) being able to more fun stuff (like writing, for example) and being a basically on-call babysitter so I can make a little bit of money. It's awesome.
The only downside: I will be so Barbie'd out, and be able to literally quote every single one of those movies from beginning to end by the time this is over. This includes the songs, and the credits. (-_-) Oh well.
Have a great weekend, guys and girls!!!

Sonya out :)

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