Monday, February 18, 2013

It has been an Awesome Weekend.....

So first off, when you live next to the Pastor and his wife, you tend to help out a lot over at their house because of their crazily hectic lives. They had a 'marriage night' thingy for the married couples in my church this past Friday, and I helped decorate and set up stuff and clean up after and stayed at their house until around 1:30 a.m. THEN, my brothers and youngest sister had a Bible Quizzing Tournament in the morning, and my youngest brother asked me to wake him up at 3:45, so I was like, "Why not just stay up the extra 2 hours?" And then I finally took a power nap around 11 a.m.
So, running off of 3 hours of sleep, I then proceed to go to Youth Group, and we don't get to bed until around 1:30, again. And then I wake up early, around 8:30ish this morning, and then get to church around 11 for Quiz Practice!!!!
Yep, boys and girls, it's been that kind of weekend, and I thank God for today being a day off of school.
Yes, we take days off of school. Just 'cause I'm homeschooled doesn't mean that school runs my life. :)
So I hope your weekend was great!! Valentine's Day Weekend, woohoo, where all of that candy is now 50% off!!! :)
Love you crazy people, and God bless ya. :)


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Hey guys, happy valentine's day/single awareness day!!! Don't worry, all you single people out there, unless they're married or seriously committed or outta high school, we can laugh in a few months about how so-and-so broke up with that person they supposedly 'loved'.
Guys, let's be honest here. Not very many high school relationships last through high school. If they do, then MAN that is awesome. But most of the time, they don't. Why subject yourself to heartbreak like that when you can easily just avoid it?
I know. It's 'the thing' to be in a relationship. Because you're "In looove". Come on, half the time it's just a feeling and 'cuz you think they're the hottest/most amazing/sweetest creature on the planet. The other half, if you're under a certain age, like, say, 20, refer to above explanation.
People, love isn't something you feel, it's an action. Your momma/daddy/brother/sister/guardian/SOMEBODY took care of you. They wiped your face, cleaned up your puke, changed your diapers, fed and clothed you, when they coulda just thrown you out onto the street. Love is a verb, and you don't just feel it, you live it.
Gonna get spiritual here and say Jesus wasn't hangin' on the cross just to hang there. He could've just wiped Adam and Eve out and started over, but He didn't. He loved YOU enough to SHOW you that. I mean, why would the GOD of the UNIVERSE come down to Earth as a regular human being, be ridiculed, humiliated, falsely accused, let them whip him until his skin was hanging off his body and blood was running down him, carry a cross on his back, be nailed to it, and then hang for however long WITHOUT anesthetics, if He didn't love you? Yes, guys, they had something to dull the pain. They offered it to him, and he didn't take it until literally THE VERY END.
Anyways, I guess what I'm saying is, actively show someone you love them today. Show them you care. And have a good day, a good rest of the week, and a good weekend!!

Love ya!!

--Sonya :)

P.S. Last Saturday, btw, was EPIC. And I didn't die. YAY!!! Haha.
P.S. 2. I kinda like being homeschooled. How many public/private schoolers get to wear p.j.'s every day and have infinite internet access all day long, and drink the bestest coffee in the world to boot?? :D Peace out, guys.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Nervous!!!! (O_O)

Well, for everybody who don't know, I'm a singer. I can sing okay, I guess, and I've been told that I can harmonize with people like nobody's business!!!
But this is the first time ever I'm going to sing with an ensemble. This Saturday. In front of about a bajillion people. And everybody else who's singing in the ensemble are grownups.
One moment, please, while I vent out my nervousness... HIAPONGBEKMIphLNYTWFDIPOLIGKSRL3Rqa.
Thank you. Anyways. We're singing this cool song called Forever Reign, and it is, as my pastor's wife would say, "pheNOMENAL!"
But yeah. Singing alto for a rally, where there will be tons of people.....last time I did that, I was also playing guitar....yeah, that didn't go so well. Didn't know the songs well enough + trying to sing harmonies and play lead guitar at the same time = me cringing every time I remember that....
But it all turned out okay in the end. This really nice dude who was playing guitar with me had me step away from the mic and just play. Gave me a few pointers. Day was saved.
And because of all the free time I get from being, ya know, HOMESCHOOLED, I have gotten much better at the guitar.
So, anyways, nervous, nervous, NERVOUS!!!!!! >_<
If you don't hear from me after this Saturday, like, ever, then I probably died of nervousness. Or, the Net was wiped and we're all scrounging around for food and fighting off rabid dogs and zombies.
Don't you just love the creativity of the mind? *facepalm*
Well, happy Thursday, hope it's going good, and to all you fellow teenaged writers, homeschooled kids, or just normal public schoolers, keep up the good work!! And have a good rest of the week.

--Sonya :)

P.S. Thanks for *figuratively* listening to me rant. You guys are the best. Sayonara! :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Hey guys, guess what?! It's *pauses for dramatic effect* FEBRUARY!!
Which means three things. February Birthdays, Groundhog's Day, and Valentine's Day.
My brother and grandpapa have birthdays in February. Isn't today Groundhog's Day? And, ah, the either best day for those of you who have that 'significant other', or the dreaded day for those of us who are either just fine ridin' solo or really want a boyfriend/girlfriend.
I'm just fine being single. In fact, the way I see it, when you're a teenager trying to figure out life, ain't nobody got time for that! :D
Yes, February 14th, gotta love how you get your singleness thrown in your face. I'm probably gonna spend it watching Doctor Who. :) I'm such a nerd....(-_-)
So enjoy the rest of your weekend and Happy February, guys!!! :)

Over and out!!

Update on Life in 2019

It's been a while and there's a reason for that (and that's also why I renamed this blog what I renamed it, HAH!). Drum roll, ...