Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Firstly....About Me

Hello World!!!
As you can probably tell, I'm a teenaged home schooled author. I'm the oldest of five, and my mom has homeschooled us all since I was, well, in preschool.
Yes, school is a walk in the park, if that walk is at night in Western Chicago.
So, I have loved making up stories since I was little. First, it started as playing one of the best games in the world: Pretend. What grown-ups see: A backyard, a few trees, some sticks and a swing-set. What we see?  We're a group of ninjas with guns and lightsabers, on a mission to kill the Evil Lord of Hades and free the land from His Evilness, but we must first go through the Perilous Lands that will test our abilities and hide from his Evil Minions in the Trees of Safety!
And then when I found out that I could actually write this stuff down on paper, they evolved into something even better.
Now, I'm not saying that every story I ever wrote was this amazing masterpiece that people would one day call 'The Next Hunger Games' or 'Even Better than Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings!' but they did get better.
So. Being a writer is also a walk in the park, except you actually have to walk through that Western Chicago park in the middle of the night. In your mind.
And being a homeschooled author...well, I need something to occupy all of my time, right?

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