Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!!

Twas the day before Thanksgiving, and all through the house, every pot and pan was clanging, and everybody was freaking out...
Well, not in my house, we goin' down south to see the grandparents and some of the other extended family on my momma's side. :) So no freaking out here, except packing. Okay, in a house of four women (whether small or big) and three men (okay, two are only half-men, but you get the point) that's not only a lotta suitcases, but a lotta, "Guys, only ONE bag, we're only staying for THREE days!"
It's pretty quiet right now though, I guess we're all done packing....or maybe it's cuz my dad and youngest brother and sister are out running some last-minute errands.
Which leaves my mom probably packing for herself and my dad, and my other bro and sis chillin' in my room, writing down story ideas.
Yup. My entire family is aspiring to be world-renowned authors.
Anyways, tomorrow's Thanksgiving! Dude. Only a month and three days (or four, or two, depending on which side of the globe you're on) left of the year 2013.
Does time fly or WHAT?
Well, since everybody else and their grandma seems to be doing it, I'll do it too.
A small list of only a tiny fraction of the bajillion zillion things I'm thankful for:
1. My family and my friends. They drive me completely bananas sometimes, but they're mine, and we always got each other's backs. Not everybody can say that. <3
2. Books. They're literally portals into another world. You can become anyone or thing you want when you write/read a book.
3. Jesus. I'm thankful for Him every day, but it still hits me that He bled and died for somebody as crazy, weird and messed up as me. Guys, you do not have to make yourself bleed, because He already bled for you. You don't have to kill yourself, because He already died for you. And He gave you a way to connect with Him when He sacrificed Himself and became the atonement for our sin.
4. Music. I honestly think God gave us music so we could express what's going on in our heads and our hearts without the struggle of having to find words. Sometimes, when words fail, music speaks for us.
5. You. I'm thankful that God made you. I may or may not know you in real life. But I'm still glad He made you. And no, it's not just because you read my blog posts. It's because every single person God makes, He has a special, unique, mind-blowingly awesome purpose for you. Even if everyone around you says that you're a nothing, calls you horrible names, tries to tear you down, etc, it doesn't make you any less important and special and amazing. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. If you weren't worth it, God wouldn't have made you.
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. God bless you.

In the words of the Doctor...."Geronimo!!!!" :D
--Sonya :) <3


Update on Life in 2019

It's been a while and there's a reason for that (and that's also why I renamed this blog what I renamed it, HAH!). Drum roll, ...