Wednesday, November 9, 2016

In Light of the Election Results...

Sooo, guys. Trump's gonna be our next president. I'm gonna be honest, I voted for him, and watching the polls last night was more intense than watching the Cub's score.

So, here's to all the people who said Trump supporters are deplorable. Racist. Bigots. Hateful. Trash. Homophobes. A buncha other different names that I won't repeat because I'm homeschooled and I don't cuss haha.

First off, I forgive you for calling people like me those names. People get pretty hyped up during Election Season, campaigning for their favorite presidential nominee, trying to convert people to their side. I applaud those of you who did their research on both candidates. I understand that Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice is a touchy subject. My stance is Pro-Life, just because I believe that each body inhabits has a soul inhabiting it, and that soul could literally change the world. The amount of potential in an unborn 'clump of cells,' shall we say, is astounding. I was once a clump of cells. You were once a clump of cells. Your best friend was once a clump of cells. Now think of your life without those people who make it worth living. The worlds that would crumble if that 'clump of cells' hadn't been there to hold it together, to keep you upright. I feel like it's a crime to take away that kind of potential.

Now, yes, we definitely need to worry about what happens to those babies once they're out of the womb, who's gonna take care of 'em, the cost of living and education and all that jazz. That's a pretty pressing issue. But if you have been blessed with carrying a tiny little soul in your womb, whether through horrible circumstances or an accident, you have the greatest responsibility of nurturing that soul to change the world and make it a better place. Nothing worth having is ever easy. You haven't been cursed with motherhood, you've been blessed with the potential to invest in the future.

You have a choice. Whether it's legal or not, you do have a choice. What're you gonna do with that?

Anyways. That's my two cents. I love you guys. If you voted for Trump, woohoo our candidate won! If you voted for Hillary or third-party, then get over your loss and let's bind together in unity to make this country great. A house divided against itself cannot stand, but if we stand together, nothing will be able to knock us over.

And for those Anti-Trump people who are saying you can't be a Christian to have voted for Trump because he's so far from being a Christian because he's crass and degrades women and this and that... Was King Nebuchadnezzar a Christian? Was Darius a Christian? Was Xerxes? Was Caesar? Nebuchadnezzar built a statue of himself and ordered everyone to worship it, and threw three Hebrew guys into a fiery furnace when they refused to do it. Darius got big-headed, signed a law that said no one could worship anyone but him for, like, a month, and threw Daniel in the lion's den for breaking that law. Xerxes was devoted to pleasure, got drunk and ordered his queen to do something extremely degrading for a woman of her standing in front of his friends, she got banished, and then he had a beauty contest to choose his next queen. Under Caesar's rule, Jesus was crucified. But you know what? God used all of these different, messed up rulers to accomplish His will. Those three Hebrew boys were thrown into the fire, and they walked out unscathed. Daniel came out of that lion's den unharmed. Esther saved her people. Jesus, well, He rose from the grave and here we are today.

So instead of freaking out about how Trump's not a Christian and all that, why don't you get down on your knees and pray that he's a good president?

You say he won't follow God's voice. So let me ask you this. Why do you pray for your lost family members? Your lost friends? Your wayward children? Your coworkers? That country you feel called to go minister to as a missionary? Your neighbors? People who're lost and without hope? Why should they listen to God's voice? Why should they choose to let God in? Why would they?

'Cause you trust and believe that God has a purpose and a plan for them and that He wants them to come to know Him and spend eternity in Heaven with Him. So why not believe the same for Trump?

To be honest, I'd be saying the same thing about Hillary Clinton if she'd won. Get down on your knees and pray for these people. God's got this. And if you get in tune with what He wants, you'll start to see the bigger picture, and your fears for the future of this world and our country will disappear.

Peace out, guys. Love ya. :)

--Sonya :) <3

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