Saturday, June 15, 2013

Storms, Rain, and Other Forces of Nature........

Well, guys, I'm gonna update today just because I ain't gonna be here next week to write another blogpost, 'cause I'll be AT CAMP!!!!!!!!!
Anyways. It's been raining and storming a lot, the perfect kind of weather to curl up and:
1. Read a book
2. Play a video game
3. Surf the internet
4. Listen to music and think about life
5. Write a book
I've mainly been doing all of those things, off and on haha.
But I noticed something kinda crazy. I absolutely love 'bad weather'. Blizzards, storms, etc. bring it on!!!! I especially love to dance in the rain, or simply sit still and feel the drops of water fall on my face and soak me to the skin. There's just something so cleansing about it.
It's kind of like when we're going through hard times in life. Most people absolutely hate it. But we can either hate it and wish it away, and just 'get through it', or we can learn to enjoy it and dance in the rain. Because good times are great and all, but come on. It's how we react when we're under pressure that really makes us who we are and builds up our character. It's how we learn how to truly trust in God and praise Him when it's hard, and, as my pastor put it, "sleep in the boat while the storm's raging".
So next time you're going through an especially hard time in life, just remember: Rain cleanses.
And if the pressure feels like it's getting to be too much, pray to God for strength. Motto to live by: "God's got dis!" There's no force of nature greater than someone who is really pushing to get a hold of Jesus Christ, and hey, He created nature. Who better to run to for help than The One who created everything in the first place?
Hope I could lift you awesome people up with that thought. Have a great summer, and I will try to remember to blog about how camp was in terms that don't include something like this:

:) HaPpY sUmMeR, GuYs!!!!!
Love ya!!! You're awesome!!!!

--Sonya <3 :)

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