Thursday, June 29, 2017

Stay to the Side or Stand Up and Fight?

Which would you rather: Fight in a war, or watch both sides tear each other to shreds?

Let's set some parameters to this scenario: Neutrality means you live, but everyone in that war dies and neither side wins. Choosing to fight for one side means that you die, but your side wins, and everyone lives.

Let's say you choose neutrality. It's one of our basic human instincts to avoid pain and try to live. We're even called 'mentally ill' if we wish to die. You live your life, walking this line between the two sides of the war. You watch as people die around you. Men, women, children. Friends, family, acquaintances, complete strangers. The evil ones and the good ones. The atrocities that are committed, some that you could easily have averted, but that would've violated your oath of neutrality. Doing something means you've chosen a side, cast away neutrality and dared to believe you could make a difference. Doing something means you have to die.

Now, let's say you choose to fight. You know what's right. You know what you're supposed to do, what you've been called to do, or maybe you don't but there's something inside of you that says enough, enough of the senseless slaughter and the despair around you. Enough innocent blood being spilled, it's time to do something, to take up arms and fight.

And fight you do. You fight with everything you have inside of you. With every step forward, you can feel a part of you dying, being replaced by something new, by something supernatural, until one day you have to make a decision: die and win, or live and lose. Take back your neutrality, and you can live. You won't be bothered anymore. You won't have to fight anymore, because you're neutral. Because you don't care.

And you choose to die.

Neutrality is a beautiful lie. You cannot live neutrally without killing your heart and your mind, your very ability to feel and move forward. If you do not stand for something, then there's really no point in living, is there?

You have to choose a side at some point. You have to make your own decision about what you believe.Your friends can't make that decision for you. Your parents can't make that decision for you. Your pastor, youth pastor, church leaders, etc. can't make that decision for you. Nobody else can make that decision for you. You have to make it.

So, friend. Choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Who will you serve?

Update on Life in 2019

It's been a while and there's a reason for that (and that's also why I renamed this blog what I renamed it, HAH!). Drum roll, ...