Friday, September 12, 2014

Random Thoughts About Fall, Writing, and Life

Guys... IT'S FALL!!!!
How do I know? My toes are currently very cold. And I can wear a beanie hat without people looking at me strange. Oh yeah, and it's kinda, like, 50ish degrees out and it's September. I don't know, I kinda grew up in MN where snow happened in September, so I'm still waiting for that, muahaha.
All you poor, poor Chicago-area dwellers... I've been praying for cooler weather aaaaalllllll suummmeeerrr loooonnnggggg... just wait until winter gets here. (^_^)
Anywho, I've started my 'full-time online college student' career up again. So I guess I should change my blog to 'Day in the Life of an Online College Student who Still Takes One High School Class Because Choir is Fun!!!!!'
Or... nah. Haha.
Anyways, currently in college I'm taking Biology and Introduction to Psychology courses, and there's this funny thing.
I have a confession to make. *cringe*
See, I have this problem. The more I read about the brain, the things it's connected to, and the things it regulates in the body, the more I have to immediately pull up Google and ask, "What would it take to kill someone in *insert particular manner here*?"
My excuse: I'm a writer. My mother writes Christian Murder Mysteries.
But then there's the other questions that of course have to pop up since I'm a Christian: Is this habit of looking up ways to kill people unholy?
My excuse for this as well: I'm never gonna actually do it.
But Lord help us all if I ever snap because I know how to kill people with a triple A battery. O.o
Just kidding, I promise I won't snap. Jesus knows how much I can take, and He's very good at keeping me from snapping. :)
So how's school for everybody? Cool? Boring? Lame? Annoying? Hard? Hate it and can't wait 'til Summer Break already?
All us homeschooled kids got it easier, we just roll outta bed and do our work whenever we want (within reason, of course). You public-schoolers, I respect you for sticking it out and staying strong throughout your entire school careers. You guys are amazing.
Okay, enough about school, nobody likes school. Ish.
I've recently been creating the rough plot line and character profiles for my next NaNoWriMo project. It shall be EPIC!!!
I will be working on, like, that project, and the Clones Saga project, at the same time.
Pray that I have enough coffee and energy to survive, muahaha. The Holy Ghost shall be my strength!!!!!!

Okay, things are starting to get too random. So, I declare this post done. End. Fin.

Love you guys!!!! Have a great weekend!!!

--Sonya :)

Update on Life in 2019

It's been a while and there's a reason for that (and that's also why I renamed this blog what I renamed it, HAH!). Drum roll, ...