Wednesday, August 21, 2013

So, Who's Started School Yet?!?!

So, I have all of these friends who're starting school. Some of them started a week ago, some started this past Monday, some start today, and then others start like, in September.
Well, I have exciting news. I start online college classes the 3rd of September!!!! Of course, most of all you already know that, haha, but hey, I'm still trying to get over the nervousness and posting about it helps!!!
Give me a moment....
Thank you. Anyways, how's school going for you public schoolers? You homeschoolers? Some of you crazy homeschooled kids didn't even stop for Summer Break.
Do I have any other homeschooled friends who keep accidentally texting their friends in the middle of the day and MUCH later get an angry text back that goes something like, "DUDE I WAS IN SCHOOL!!"??? No? Just me? Haha, oh well.
So, to all of the people who have started school, have a good year! I'm serious. Don't let anybody tell you you're not good enough. Don't let anybody put you down and don't let anybody stop you from reaching for your hopes and dreams and goals. Hey, the sky ain't the limit anymore! You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to.
And to all of you who haven't started school yet, have a great rest of the summer! :)
Dream big, guys. Reach for the stars, push yourself as hard as you can, and don't let anybody crush your dreams. God gave them to you for a reason, and above all, don't forget to stay prayed up and read your Bible. This school year, while you're learning new things and making new friends, don't forget to get to know God better too, because He really wants you to succeed and loves you, more than anybody else.

God bless you guys!! Love ya!! :)

--Sonya <3 :)

Update on Life in 2019

It's been a while and there's a reason for that (and that's also why I renamed this blog what I renamed it, HAH!). Drum roll, ...